Monday 24 April 2023

Interview: SAM WILLIAMS (Part 2)

I'm back with the fantastic Sam Williams! Check out Part 1 of our conversation here first, and read on as we chat why he loves sad songs so much, new & upcoming music, favourite artists and more - enjoy! 


Ciara's Country (CC): A lot of your songs are very sad – what is it about sad songs that appeals to you?


Sam Williams (SW): I think I'm just sad on the inside. I think it could almost be genetic and that I’ve gone through a lot too, so my process is to get that across in songs and when I’m performing.


CC: Is that the type of music you listen to as well?


SW: I listen to a lot of rap music, a lot of hip hop, R&B, pop music. I love a vocalist too - Miley Cyrus, Samara Joy – she just won Best New Artist at the Grammys, I think she's incredible. Really all different kinds of music. Sad songs draw me in, but they inspire me too.


CC: Do you have any songs by other artists that you wish you wrote?


SW: Angels Like You by Miley Cyrus. I love that song. Her ability to reinvent herself and still remain true to herself, to keep people guessing but still be so invested and create something beautiful every time is amazing to me.


CC:  I think it's really interesting that you speak about Miley because she started in country, and then moved to pop and rock. On Glasshouse Children, we also hear a couple of different elements - how would you define your style?


SW: A little bit alternative and a little bit country. I like to describe my style as soulful,  just that it appeals to the soul when you're listening to it.


CC: Definitely true! Which song on the album holds a special place in your heart?


SW: I would say Can’t Fool Your Own Blood is really special to me. I'm proud that I made up that idea and had the inspiration to write it. I always get a lot of compliments about the writing of that song.


CC: I can see why! Can we expect more new music from you throughout 2023?


SW: Absolutely. When we get back, I’m getting in the studio as soon as I can and starting to work on the new album. I've already started a little bit, writing for about a year now. It's time to get in and cook and see what comes out!


CC: Can you give us any sneak peeks of themes we might hear on this next project?


SW: There's still a lot of searching and longing but I think that it's more dreamy and explorative. It's synonymous with Glasshouse Children as in that it's rooted in country songwriting, but it also branches out to other genres and has elements of other sounds.


CC: I can't wait to see what we get for that one. Do you have a dream artist that you would most like to collaborate with on that album?


SW: I always say this but it is Miley. I've always looked up to her and she seemed just more like a ‘big sister’ than a celebrity. I think that we could create something beautiful together. Honestly though, after the Dolly Parton collaboration on Happy All The Time, I'm set for life! That stamp was what I needed.


CC: Amazing names there. How about some lesser known artists – are there any underrated artists that you think everyone should be listening to?


SW: I think Caitlyn Smith is a legend and everybody should know who she is. She's written some of our favourite songs and has the best voice in Nashville. That's my number one. I'm also really excited to see what Pillbox Patti's about. I haven't been able to see her yet, but she looks promising so I'd love to see what she's up to.


CC: Great suggestions! Alright, my final question for you Sam - what is one question you've never been asked in an interview but would love to be?


SW: What's my favourite colour?


CC: I need to know it.


SW: It’s Tennessee orange. This is a very specific shade of orange, very bright and obnoxious and I love it.


CC: And the title of a great song! Sam, thank you so much for your time today.


SW: Thank you! 


Another wonderful interview with another wonderful artist! Still more to come - stay tuned on @CiarasCountry to be the first to know when the next one is posted! 

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