Ciara’s Country (CC):
It’s Ciara here and I’m joined today by perhaps the most exciting new addition
to UK country music – it’s Catherine McGrath! Thank you so much for joining me
Catherine McGrath (CM): Thanks for having me!
CC: So to kick off
the interview and get people to know you a little bit better, can you tell me
one fun fact about yourself that people might not know?
CM: Umm, I don’t like hot chocolate. It’s weird, I don’t
like coffee, I don’t like milkshakes.
CC: What do you have
when you go to a coffee shop then?
CM: Just water or tea. I’m so basic.
CC: I feel like tea
is quite an Irish drink though, so it suits you, and is probably something
people didn’t know about you before! So I first saw you perform a fantastic set
at the Under The Apple Tree Roots Festival last September – what have you been
up to since then?
CM: That was like one of the first big shows I played, and
since then I’ve been on tour with Canaan Smith, The Shires, and have just been
doing as much live stuff as possible. I’ve been releasing songs about every
three weeks and am just about to put out an acoustic version of my song Just In Case, and we’re just doing lots
of festivals over the summer and keeping releasing music. It’s been so fun.
CC: Very exciting! It
seems to me that you’ve been the opening act for just about anyone who’s toured
the UK recently, what’s that been like?
CM: It’s been so fun! It’s so crazy, even just Kelsea
Ballerini, as soon as I saw she was coming to the UK I was texting everyone –
my manager, my agent – and I was like please, please, please can I get on this
show. I just love country music and I want to play to the people who love it
too and meet them, and want them to like my music too and get out there as much
as I can too.
CC: So has it been
you proactively seeking out these opportunities then?
CM: Yeah, definitely. It’s all music that I love and for the
festivals, I’ve never played at festivals so that’s going to be fun. That’ll be
different to what I’m used to because so far it’s been artists that I know and
CC: And I guess C2C
was one of your first festival experiences.
CM: Yeah, that was one of the best weekends of my life. Even
just being there in general and watching everyone playing was just the dream.
CC: So you’ll be back
next year?
CM: If I’m not playing, I’ll definitely be there anyway!
CC: Great! Have you
had any crazy experiences on tour so far?
CM: I don’t think so. It’s weird because I had a picture of
being in a bus and driving around everywhere with everyone, but for us it’s
kind of like been getting trains to the venue and then having to leave and get
back home by midnight, and so it wasn’t what I thought but it’s been really
fun. Nothing crazy yet, but we’ll see…
CC: So touring is a
bit different to what you’d expected.
CM: It can be quite stressful.
CC: Hopefully tonight
won’t be!
CM: Tonight’s going to be fun I think.
CC: Have you had a
career highlight so far?
CM: Playing C2C definitely is the biggest thing I’ve done.
And tonight is probably going to be a highlight, playing with Kelsea because I
love her music so much and she’s one of the people who if someone asked who
inspired me and who I love, Kelsea Ballerini is always in there.
CC: Who are some of
the others?
CM: Kacey Musgraves, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Rascal
Flatts – they’re all the people I started listening to first. It’s kind of a
mix of everything but they’re the main people I love.
CC: I couldn’t agree
more with those choices. So so far you’ve released your EP One and most recently a couple of singles – how do you choose which
songs are the ones you put out?
CM: I’ve been writing for just over a year, so I had this
whole list of songs, about fifty songs, that I went into a meeting with my
record label and management and we just listened to all of them. Luckily I’m
with a team of people who have the same kind of tastes as me so we all picked
together and all loved the same songs so it was really easy to pick the ones we
wanted to put out.
CC: Can you tell me a
bit about the creative process when it comes to writing songs?
CM: It’s always different but a lot of the time, I think of
a random lyric and I write it in my phone, and I’ll go into a session and
someone will say ‘do you have any ideas for what you want to write about’ and
I’ll bring them to the table, or experiences that have happened to me. Then
everyone talks about it and what they’ve been through and it kind of goes from
there. Everyone pitches in.
CC: Is there one song
you found particularly interesting to write?
CM: Yeah, I have this song called Wild which I’m going to release but it’s not out yet. I literally
went into the studio the day after I went to a Coldplay concert, and I was on a
rant about the guy I went with. I was writing with Lindy Robbins who wrote down
everything I said and we kind of pieced together a story word for word as I’d
said it, so that was a really interesting way to write a song. It turned out
very honest.
CC: That’s something
for us to look forward.
CM: I’m so excited to release that. I sing it live but I
don’t have a proper version yet.
CC: Will we be
hearing that tonight?
CM: You will!
CC: So you mentioned
Coldplay there – it seems your music taste is quite broad.
CM: Yeah, I started listening to country from Nashville when
I was about 12. My family loved traditional country and so I kind of grew up
with that side of it, but I was also listening to what was on the radio and
what my friends listened to – Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, that kind of stuff. I
think the music I write and listen to is just a blend of everything. If a songs
good, it’s good. I don’t really restrict myself to genres, but country’s the
main thing I listen to.
CC: I’d say that’s
the case for most country fans. 90% of the music on my phone is country, the
other 10% is anything and everything! So as well as your songs, one of the
things I particularly have enjoyed is your music videos because they seem very
innovative in that they’re tailored to social media.
CM: Those videos were so fun. I was standing in front of a
green screen and then to see it come to life is just so cool. I love social
media – it’s how I’ve found people who liked the same music as me because my
friends didn’t like the same music that I did. It’s just fun to post pictures
and stalk other peoples lives too.
CC: Are you managing
to get your friends into country now?
CM: I think in general, not even just my friends, people are
starting to realise that country is more than what they think it is. I think
people have this idea that country is only Johnny Cash, or it’s only George
CC: Or songs about
tractors and beer.
CM: Yeah! And I do love that side of country music but
there’s so many different kinds now – there’s Sam Hunt and Maren Morris and all
these people who are breaking new ground with country, and I think as people
listen to it they realise it is cool and they do like it and then give it a
chance. I think it’s growing as people hear songs on Spotify and things like
CC: Speaking of Maren
Morris, I know she’s coming over in November – maybe there’s an opening slot
for you there?
CM: Ah, I have to take everyone I can get! I saw her at
Country 2 Country and I was like ‘oh my gosh, I love you’. She’s amazing.
CC: That was
definitely a C2C highlight for me. So with all this music you’re releasing,
will there be a full length album on the way soon?
CM: At some point I definitely want to put out an album.
Right now there’s no specific plan, I’m still writing. We’ve got some songs
that I like and I just want to get some more. My main focus right now is to
start playing for people and getting people to know who I am and what they
think of what we’ve got so far before I put out a big album. It’s definitely on
the bucket list to get that done.
CC: So more singles
and acoustic versions then?
CM: Yeah, some more songs are coming your way soon
CC: I have to say I
find it really exciting meeting you at what is pretty much the beginning of
your career. What are your aspirations for the next 5 to 10 years?
CM: I just want to be able to play music and see people
enjoy it. I’ve seen people at Country 2 Country who knew the words to my songs
and so when people ask me what I want I always say I’d love to see people know
the words to my songs, or dance along, or say ‘I know exactly what you mean in
that song’. Even in these first few shows that I’ve done, people have known the
words and have told me that my songs mean something to them. That’s just what
I’ve always wanted, and so for that to keep going or grow onto a bigger scale,
that’s what I hope to do.
CC: I’ve seen photos
of you after shows with huge lines of people queuing up to meet you. It seems
people really are interesting in knowing more about you and your music!
CM: Yeah, it’s crazy – every night I think ‘nobody’s going
to show up’ and then loads of people do and they’re all so nice. It’s so cool
because they’re the people who love the same music as me and are like me that I
didn’t even know existed when I was 12. It’s been so fun.
CC: I think we
definitely get that kind of homegrown country vibe to you as well that we like.
CM: Irish as well. The Americans love the Irish. I went to
Nashville and everyone was like ‘I have a great-grandad who’s Irish!’
CC: When I played one
your tracks to my friends, they said ‘Is that Taylor Swift? I’ve not heard that
song before.” I definitely get some Taylor Swift vibes to you so that’s a
career trajectory I can see you going down.
CM: That was actually how I got into country music. I
listened to Taylor’s album and then she talked about Rascal Flatts and all
these artists and so I started to look at that and get into it. That’s really
cool to hear!
CC: What kind of
music would you say you’re listening to right now?
CM: Right now I’m listening to Sam Hunt, Kelsea Ballerini,
Raelynn – I really love her.
CC: Her new album is
CM: The Apple is my favourite track ever. And Love Triangle –
oh my gosh. There’s just so many people I love. I go onto Spotify and listen to
the country playlists and listen to all their songs and find out that way.
There’s a guy called Steve Moakler as well who I discovered recently and he’s
amazing. An endless list.
CC: Would you ever
consider covering any of their songs?
CM: Yeah, I put up covers on YouTube every few weeks or so
and I just cover whatever songs I love, or something someone’s asked me to do
that I really like. So I’d definitely do covers of those.
CC: So you’re taking
fan requests then.
CM: Yeah, I used to wait and read all the comments on my
videos and think ‘oh, that’s a good idea’ if I didn’t know what to cover next.
CC: Are there any
artists that you really like who you think are underrated and deserve more
CM: There’s a guy called Donovan Woods who has really good
acoustic style and lyrics. He’s from Nashville and he’s amazing but I don’t think
many people know who he is but I tell everyone about him because he’s amazing,
so you should listen to Donovan Woods.
CC: Will do! Is there
a dream artist you’d love to collobarate or perform with?
CM: Taylor Swift, Kelsea Ballerini and Raelynn. They’re my
three hits.
CC: Well I suppose
tonight is almost ticking one of them off! I’ll expect you to perform with the
other two over the next few years, okay? And my final question for you tonight
is what’s the one question that you wish you were asked in interviews but never
have been?
CM: I don’t think so. If I was interviewing I would have no
idea what to ask. You’ve done a pretty good job! But no one’s ever asked me
what my favourite chocolate, so maybe that one because I’m very passionate
about chocolate.
CC: And what would
your answer to that be?
CM: Cadbury Dairy Milk or Lindt, hands down.
CC: There you go, you
can add that to your rider then. Thank you for answering all of my questions
and I really appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today!
CM: Thanks for having me!
I hope you enjoyed
reading this interview as much as I enjoyed doing it! You can find out more about
Catherine McGrath on social media @imcathmcgrath, and keep up to date with all
things country by following me on Twitter at @CiarasCountry. Thanks for